Here are some images of Pier Paolo Pasolini's funeral as well as Alberto Moravia's speech at the funeral.
Alberto Moravia begins talking about those who killed Pasolini saying that did not know who Pasolini was. He then goes on to explain what Italy lost with Pasolini's atrocious death. First Italy had lost a person who was deeply kind, good and peaceful, a man who had the best and purest of emotions- someone who hated violence. It would be difficult that someone with the qualities of Pasolini would return to earth very soon. For Moravia, Italy had lost someone who was different (il diverso) and yet someone who was also similar to others (un simile): a precious element for any society. In what sense, Moravia asks, was Pasolini different?. His difference consisted in his courage (Pasolini was much more courageous than many others because of his insistence in speaking the truth).We have lost a witness, Moravia adds. Pasolini's difference also consisted in his attempt to provoke active and beneficial effects in Italy's inert and passive society. His beneficial provocations were different from normal provocations in his absolute lack of calculation and caution. He was different in his completely disinterested nature.
Yet also Italians had lost someone who was like them (reflected them) in that he came from Italian culture and could be compared with the best writers and best directors. Pasolini was a precious element for any society and any society would be happy to have Pasolini as one of them. Italy, Moravia states, has lost a poet (and real poets are rare in any society). Only three or four poets are born every century and for Moravia Pasolini was one of these three or four. When this century ends, Moravia states, Pasolini will be one of the very few who still count. A poet should be sacred and we have lost this extraordinary poet. Pasolini created something unique in Italy: a civic poetry of the Left and so doing managed something that no-one had succeeded in doing before him.
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